Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A-Zs of me me me!!

So the mister and I are staying up late because he has the day off tomorrow. Since he's hogging Modern Warfare 2 I figured I'd hop on and see if any of my favorite bloggers had updated, and lo and behold The Nearsighted Owl and Otterly Brilliant had both updated with A-Z lists. Basically, you go A through Z with facts about yourself. Rachele said that her new followers should do this and send her a link, so I think I will!! It also helps since I still don't have an about section that I've put a lot of love into.

Here we go!!

A: Age: 19

B: Bed Size: King, but I take up the bed all to myself since the mister decides that he wants all of the blankets.

C: Chore that you hate: I don't really have a chore that I hate, but right now I strongly dislike putting clothes away. Since we've moved we still have to find space for old stuff as well as new stuff, and my clothes are causing a lot of problems.

D: Dogs: I've owned both dogs and cats all of my life!! I've had a few great dogs and a lot of good cats. I've also owned geckos and a raccoon at one point, and I hope to get an iguana in the near future.

E: Essential start to your day: Hitting the snooze button about five or six times. It gets annoying, but I can't seem to help myself. Then I like to make a pot of coffee, and I'll have a cup with sugar and milk to cool it down so I can drink it right away.

F: Favorite color: It's definitely a tie between red and blue, but I go with blue in most of my wardrobes. It looks better since my eyes are hazel and my hair is dark brown.

G: Gold or Silver: I like silver a lot, because it goes with anything and it never comes across as too gaudy.

H: Height: 5'4"

I: Instruments you play: I've played bass a little tiny bit, and I know the bare bones of Fur Elise on piano. Other than that, I stick to singing.

J: Job Title: Temporary employee, transitioning student, less than part time artist, and even less than that time as a writer. I have many interests, none of which have become reliable careers. D:

K: Kids: None right now, I'm definitely going to hold off for a while until I'm ready, both financially and mentally.

L: Live: I live in Springfield, Ohio, near Dayton. I like to go visit a little hippie town called Yellow Springs that is very artsy and has the best little shops for everything! The comic book store there has a pet cat.

M: Mother's name: My mom's name is Leeann. She has really pretty blue eyes and she's really strong.

N: Nicknames: Curly Top, Shirley Temple, Lor-chan, Lore, Killer Mermaid Witch Thing. XD My favorite however, is Lor.

O: Overnight hospital stays: Only once or twice. One time was an ice skating incident, and the other I believe was a car accident. It's hard to keep track though, I've had so many accidents in my short 19 years!!!

P: Pet Peeves: Ignorant people, especially when it comes to race, religion, sexual orientation, or anything of that nature. I also can't stand it when someone is wrong and they know that they are but they continue pushing that they're right until you beat them within an inch of their life with knowledge.

Q: Quote from a movie: "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything." - Sucker Punch. That movie had a bunch of really good quotes though.

R: Right or left handed: I'm right handed, but my poppy is left handed. My mister is right handed! :D

S: Siblings: Two older half-sisters, one is a psycho and the other one isn't too far behind.

T: Time you wake up: Usually around 9:30 a.m., however my alarm starts ringing at 8:30. XD

U: Underwear: Um, from time to time? XD I like the hhw sporties. They're comfy boy shorts that fit well! :D

V: Vegetable you hate: I don't have any vegetables I hate.... Oh, I hate canned spinach. I love fresh spinach though!! :D

W: What makes you run late: Having to be awake earlier than humanly possible.

X: X-rays you've had: One for my right leg after an accident and one for my tummy when we thought I had appendicitis. D:

Y: Yummy food that you make: Swedish Tea Rings!! Though, I'm thinking of trying to tweak is so that I can make it kind of like an apple tea ring, with apples baked inside with the cinnamon and brown sugar and using apple butter for a glaze!

Z: Zoo Animal: Flying Foxes!! I can't remember the actual name, but they're a very large breed of bat, and they're super cute!!

So there we go, now you guys know a fair bit about me. Isn't that grand? :D If anyone else reads this, you should give it a go, it's definitely fun!

Peace my little bloggies. <3

1 comment:

  1. Me and that snooze button are buddies. I hit it way too much! Thanks for joining in!
