Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday Movie Review

Good afternoon little bloggies, how have you been? Did you enjoy your weekend while it lasted? My days have been totally thrown off. I could have sworn it was Wednesday on Thursday. I'm so silly sometimes! Today I'm waiting to hear from a place that I've applied to for my start date. I'm hoping they'll contact me soon so I can get started, I feel so lazy just hanging around the apartment! I could also really use the money. However, I'm feeling a little under the weather, maybe because I haven't smoked in a few days. I've discovered that if you smoke pretty frequently and suddenly stop for a couple of days, you get a pretty bad cough until your lungs clear out. Then again, I'm also sneezing and kind of dizzy, so maybe this rainy weather has me down. I'm sure I'll feel better here after a while though.

Until then, I've been thinking about a lot of different stuff. I don't really have a theme for this blog, it's basically always going to be changing, just like a river, hence the name of my blog. So for today, I'm going to review a movie I watched! Yaaaay!

This is the movie cover. I got it from this site.

"The Virgin Suicides" is the name of the movie I watched today. It's based on a book of the same name, and it's the story of five sisters from a small suburb in Michigan during the late 70's. The movie begins with the youngest sister, Cecilia Lisbon, attempting to commit suicide by slitting her wrists. She fails at this attempt and sees a psychologist (played by Danny Devito in a quick cameo) who informs her parents that they are too strict. A few weeks later, the parents allow the girls to have their first and last party, where Cecilia excuses herself and succeeds in committing suicide by jumping from her second story window and impaling herself on the fence below. The movie continues as the life of the family slowly spirals downwards, their mysterious lives becoming the hot topic in the town's day to day gossip. The entire movie is told from the point of view of a group of boys who obsess over the girls, both in their lives and in their deaths. What's very interesting about this movie is that the narration is set up so that you never truly know who is narrating the story. From what I've looked up, the book was written the same way, and as you read the book you kind of become one of the neighbors of the town, on the outside of the situation looking in.

Cinematography: I give this and 8 out of 10. It was very beautiful and dreamy, I love the indie feel to the movie and how spot on the style of everything was, including the camera filter.

Script: The script was well written, and there are a few good quotes to be taken from the movie. I'll give the writing a 9 out of 10.

Acting: The acting was all done very well, especially considering how young some of these kids were. My favorite actor out of the whole movie was the mother. You didn't really see much of her, but you could tell that she had no idea what effect her isolation practices were having on her children. She played a confused woman who didn't know just how much at fault she was. I give the acting a 9 out of 10.

Book to movie comparison: Well, I haven't read the book, but since watching this movie I definitely want to give it a shot.

Similar books/movies: A similar book would be "TH1RTEEN R3ASONS WHY" by Jay Asher. It's a wonderful read for teenagers to adults. The book will seriously change your life. I would suggest this to every kid entering high school.

Well there you have it, my mini-movie review! I don't know if this is the template I'll follow for all of my movie reviews, but that's why this place is as creative as water. Everything is always changing!!

Well my little bloggies, I'm off to clean, but I have questions for you! Do you think you'll watch this movie? have you read either of these books? What did you think of them? How would you feel about "Monday Movie Reviews" for my blog? Leave a comment and let me know, or just talk at me. :D Bye bye bloggies!

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