Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What's going on?

So today and yesterday I've been fairly productive. I put together an antique drafting table with nothing but a dime. Seriously, I didn't even have the directions to put the damn thing together. Seeing as it hasn't fallen apart yet, I think I'm in the clear. And, I only had one piece that I left off because I didn't know what to do with it! Of course, it's probably the single most important part of the whole damn thing, but I'll find out the hard way. :D

I found myself a new mister, who is very wonderful and loving and perfect because sometimes he's a total douche, but I counter it with my ultra-douche behavior. Sometimes though, I deserve to get called out when I do stupid stuff. XD

Anywho, we just got an apartment together!! *squee* So I've been playing housewife by cooking and cleaning and putting shit together while I wait for the start date for my new job. I can't wait to start working, I want money for groceries and to decorate the apartment with video game/band/movie paraphernalia!! As I'm writing this I'm putting off doing the dishes and vacuuming, but don't worry, I'll definitely do it today. I'm just glad I finally got the living room organized. Of course, while I've been procrastinating I've been following my favorite blogs and considering redesigning my own. Maybe I will, it's kind of flat looking. >.>

So for a blog you guys need to check out, here is the one! The Nearsighted Owl is amazing, I absolutely adore this lady! She's nice, she is pretty, her hair is awesometastic, she's artistic and talented, she loves thrifting, and she loves kitties!! :D Basically, she has all around great tastes, and I guarantee that if you click on all of her links to other bloggers you will be satisfied/fall in love with 99.5% of them. So just give her a click and be entertained for a while.

Peace out my little bloggies!

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