Monday, February 20, 2012

A Little Time to Think

I haven't posted on here recently, haven't really been keeping up with this the way I told myself I would. I just got laid off from an amazing job that I really wanted to do for the rest of my life. Unfortunately, there isn't enough work, and since I was only a temp I was let go. The temp agency keeps telling me they'll bring me back and give me a date, and then when the date comes up they say "Oh, well the company has decided to post pone your start date. Sorry!!" and just leave me to either survive until they find me something or attempt to find another job on my own. So I've been filling out applications like a mad man, and staying up late and sleeping all day and smoking like a freight train because I'm not working. I hate not working. I hate just sitting around and filling out applications and posting my resume and only ever hearing back from scams that want to put my "excellent" skills to use swindling poor people out of their hard-earned cash. All this time I've been freaking out, trying to see what I'm doing wrong and why no one wants me, and stressing myself out to the point of extreme exhaustion. Then, yesterday, my fiance pointed out something that I definitely had not been thinking about. He told me to enjoy myself.

Wait a second, we can't afford to eat or pay our bills and you want me to enjoy myself? Doing what?

Well, we are eligible for food stamps... and my parents did say they would help us out. It's not like I'm going to stop filling out applications. Maybe I should treat this like a little vacation. Instead of beating myself up over why people don't want to hire me, maybe I should just brush it off and keep trying. That sounds kind of... refreshing. So I'm definitely going to change things up a bit. I'm going to start writing on here at least once a week. Maybe I'll start doing crafts again. I've also been reading recently, I could do book reviews. I also think I'm going to be doing video game reviews and movie reviews. Maybe even music too!! I've never been really good at one thing, but I have a general capability in lots of different things, so I could technically blog about whatever I want. Technically, this is my blog, so I think I have the right to do that. And I think starting now, I will. :D

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